
The third trimester

7th month of pregnancy

Changes in the mother

Your stomach continues to get rounder. You will have your 3rd and last scan. Remember to rest and take it easy to avoid any risk of premature labour.

Changes to the foetus

Vital organs are working: stomach, kidney, intestine.  The nervous system continues to develop. The foetus can open its eyes and cry. It is still sensitive to noises from outside.  The foetus measures approximately 40cm and weighs around 1800g.


8th month of pregnancy

Changes in the mother

The 8th month is when your maternity leave starts and ante-natal classes start. You can start to get ready for going to hospital, by getting your things and that of the baby's together.

Changes to the foetus

The baby turns and gets into position for labour: head down, pressed against the neck of the uterus. The heart is completely formed. Lungs are mature. The foetus measures approximately 45cm and weighs around 2.2 kg.


9th month of pregnancy

Changes in the mother

Going to hospital is not far off, have your hospital bag ready! Contractions can start. If these are strong and regular, it's time to go to the hospital.

Changes to the foetus

The foetus moves less now because of a lack of space. Its amniotic fluid has practically disappeared and its skin is a pinky-white. The baby is getting ready to be born. Birth is close. The foetus measures approximately 50cm and weighs around 3.3 kg.

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